
solar_219x373We can help you incorporate passive solar features in your building designs. Computerized simulations are used to verify our recommendations. Residential buildings can have glazing and thermal mass optimized to maximize winter heating while minimizing Summer or Fall overheating. Commercial buildings can utilize day-lighting techniques to reduce electric lighting while also minimizing cooling loads. To be successful, however, it must be considered in all phases of the project., from decisions on how to orient the building, to design of post construction commissioning procedures. For proper operation, controls linking environmental systems must be tightly integrated. Pat Splitt’s years of experience with data acquisition and control systems can be utilized to assure that a day-lighting scheme will provide the benefits anticipated. If you visit our office, you can check out our own solar systems. We have a solar water heater that provides around 85% of our hot water needs. Our photovoltaic system provides enough electricity to reduce our PG&E electric consumption bill to $0.00.